
Meet us at the ACDM24!

Meet METRONOMIA at the ACDM24–Conference

3 – 5 March 2024 | Copenhagen | Denmark

METRONOMIA attends the Annual Conference of the “Association for Clinical Data Management” (ACDM), taking place from 3rd – 5th of March 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The ACDM24 is the largest clinical data management conference in Europe in 2024, offering a two day program of expert speakers, specialist panels, workshops and debates.

Rommy Schwarz, Senior Director and Head of Clinical Data Management, and Dr. Katrin Schaar, Director Clinical Data Management, attend this vibrant event. Take the opportunity to learn more about our company, and discuss how we can best support your clinical research projects through competent, flexible and reliable care for all clinical data management and / or biostatistics related service needs.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch via the ACDM networking tool to schedule an appointment.

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